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Ostomy News


    Ostocare will collaborate with several companies in a project for the development of an Ostomy insert . Below is a link to information and a campaign for...
  • Advantages of using a wrap for PEG or Gastrostomy tubes

    What is a PEG or Gastrostomy tube? Gastrostomy or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG tube) is the name given to a surgical intervention where the...
  • Do you know the comfort plus ostomy belt?

    The Ostocare ostomy belt has been designed to improve the ostomized patient's ability to carry out daily activities and habit...
  • Meet the new Aquaflush ostomy insert

    About the Aquaflush ostomy insert The patented stoma insertis designed to seal and maintain the stoma. A key feature of the Aquaflush...
  • Discover solutions and treatments for faecal incontinence with insert Renew

    Renew obturators have been developed as an alternative solution for accidental bowel leakage/fecal incontinence, and is an effective solution to the problem of...
  • Find out how the Renew transanal irrigation (ITA) system can help you.

    The transanal irrigation is a simple procedure to introduce water into the colon through a rectal tube to promote evacuation of the contents of the lower colon. This effective method of bowel management provides trust and  control patient care through effective and predictable prevention of faecal incontinence or  chronic constipation
  • Health Aid For The Conflict In Ukraine

      As a leading company in the manufacture and marketing of sanitary textiles, we will provide sanitary aid for the victims of the earthquake in...
  • How to put on the ostomy disc easily?

    There are so many options that an ostomate faces after surgery. The ideal in the first few weeks is to seek help from an ostomy specialist....
  • At Ostocare we help you to solve your doubts about Ostomy products

    We know that on many occasions ostomy patients may have difficulty in knowing what ostomy products are available or even in selecting the right product.
  • Stomaclamp - The only patented device to prevent leakage from the ostomy bag

    The StomaClamp is an innovative patented device to help ostomy patients with disc placement in a very simple way.
  • StomaClamp a patented product by a person with an ostomy

    StomaClamp has been used by a person with an ostomy for years when he realized that manipulating the adhesive with the fingers of the disc favored the appearance of leaks, finally a device was designed to avoid this type of inconvenience by facilitating its placement in a quick and easy way
  • Types of ostomy bags and how to select them correctly

    After an ostomy, you will need an ostomy bag to collect the waste that is expelled from the digestive or urinary system. This is connected to your stoma so that it empties directly without any extra effort. Ostomy bags are worn outside the body, but are easily hidden under clothing with belts which also provides support for the abodminal area.1 If you have had an ostomy, it is important to use a proper ostomy bag because it is important to avoid any leakage of urine, stool or gas.