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Advantages of using a wrap for PEG or Gastrostomy tubes

What is a PEG or Gastrostomy tube?

Gastrostomy or PEG tube

A surgical procedure where a feeding tube is placed in the stomach is called gastrostomy or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG tube). This tube is used to provide food, fluids and/or medications directly to the patient.

wrap for PEG tube or Gastrostomy tube


As well as the ostomy belts a patient with a Gastrostomy  and PEG probe you can use a wrap to greater comfort.

The function of the wrap is to provide support for the probe and to be able to hold and hide it under clothing without the need to have it attached to the skin.


- Designed for Gastrostomies or PEG tubes

- Holds the probe in place and prevents it from taking off providing stability and support  

- Recommended to be used with your regular underwear

- Provides the maximum comfort so that it can be used 24 hours a day 

- She's discreet to the power wear under clothing thus disguising the pouch

- It's from a extra fabric - soft very much like underwear

- Fabric antibacterial and  absorbent

- It's made of fabric hypoallergenic

- Textile highest quality manufactured in Spain

- With pocket option to offer greater stability  and  fasten better the probe

Compatible with all types of PEG probes

- Certified for medical use according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 

Is it possible to swim with a Gastrostomy or PEG Tube?

wrap Swimming Gastrostomy

As a general rule, patients with a gastrostomy feeding tube or PEG tube can swim without major inconvenience as long as the wound has healed and is well closed.

It is always advisable to swim in good quality water to avoid any infection or contamination of the wound.

Do not hesitate to consult your physician or specialist in case your particular condition requires specific instructions.

At Ostocare, we help patients with PEG or Gastrostomy tube to be able to bathe With greater peace of mind since our swimming wraps support the probe by providing security and comfort at all time.


- Designed for Gastrostomies or PEG tubes

- Provides comfort and  stability  in the movement to holding the probe

- Can be configured with or without internal pocket to accommodate PEG probe

- Suitable to be immersed in the water of sea  and swimming pool

- It is recommended to practice sport because it is sweat-resistant

- Can be used With any swimsuit

- Textile highest quality manufactured in Spain

- Certified for medical use according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745 


Which is better a wrap or a Gastrostomy Belt (PEG Tube)?

In the case of the wrap it is a simpler product since it covers the abdomen to a greater extent and velcro or zippers are avoided, so that a wrap provides greater comfort and ease of use.

 Would you like to make an enquiry? Do you need special sizes or customization ?  Get in touch with us, we will be happy to help.