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What to do if the ostomy pouch detaches or falls off?

What to do if the ostomy pouch detaches or falls off?

In some cases, problems may occur with the pouches of ileostomycolostomy  and urostomy. The biggest of our fears is that the ostomy pouch will come off. Leaks and strong odors are also other unwanted situations that may happen at some point but with some help (and experience), it is possible to control these types of situations.

First Hand Testimony of a Person with an Ostomy

It is necessary to maintain a good perspective of things, learning to have a positive attitude through the difficulties of life can ensure that we are happier. But aside from optimism, here are some simple tips and products that can help you better prevent and manage ostomy accidents in your normal daily life.


Leaks occur and occur at the point of least resistance. No one wants a leaky stoma, but it happens. With a little preparation and care, you can effectively control leaks.

Here are some tips:

Appropriate clothing: if you walk a lot, it is recommended to use a wrap to reduce the friction of your clothes against the bag. 

Do not manipulate the adhesive part of the disc with your fingers, use StomaClamp to manipulate the disc.

Switch to new products: Stomas come in all shapes and sizes, so the particular product you are using may not be the best for your individual stoma. For example, some stomas retract into the skin, making them more likely to leak when a device is placed. A convex-shaped barrier adds extra protection for these types of stoma. There are also seals, powders, adhesives, and wipes, all designed to help contain leaks and manage stoma problems. You need to know what options are available and find out which one best suits your individual needs. A good practice is to ask nurses and doctors about the types of products available.

Another tip is to drain or change the pouch regularly: take advantage of the opportunities you have to empty or change your pouches whenever possible.

As a good practice, empty a drainable pouch when it is 1/3 full. It's always better to drain when you get a chance.

Always carry a kit : a suggested kit would contain the barrier (ideally pre-cut if you are travelling as scissors cannot be carried on an airplane), replacement pouches, barrier wipes, odor elimination spray and ostomy pouches. 

If you're in a hurry and your ostomy pouch has a leak, find out exactly where the leak is coming from and see if you can patch or block it with something. The most common leaks come under the barrier because the adhesive loosens. Putting a napkin in there can give you plenty of extra time to go to the bathroom and minimize leaks and administer your ostomy.

There are numerous stories where the ostomy pouch has peeled off while sleeping causing a major disaster, so it is highly recommended that you empty the pouch before going to bed - obviously - drain or change the pouch before going to bed and again when you wake up.

At Ostocare we have ostomy products with tips and explanations on the basic features that help contain ostomy pouches.

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