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Parastomal Hernia - Ostomy Hernia Prevention and Care

What are the complications associated with an ostomy? 

Consult your care nurse about the complications most common, such as stoma blockage, skin problems, stoma retraction, stoma prolapse and leakage. One of the most common complications is parastomal herniaMany people develop a new stoma weeks, months, or even years after stoma surgery. 

What is a parastomal hernia? 

Ostomy hernia

When you have surgery for ostomyIn the case of a ruptured abdominal muscle, an incisional hole is made in the abdominal muscles, causing abdominal weakness. In some cases, this abdominal muscle weakness allows for stand out a section of intestine, resulting in a bulge around the stoma. This lump is known as a hernia parastomal. 

What are the symptoms of a parastomal hernia? 

The síntomas of a parastomal hernia include a bump around  and aside of its stoma. Other symptoms are a asymmetrical appearanceThe skin feels rough, and perhaps a strong sense of hernia. The diameter of the stoma may also increase, the stoma may be flatterIf you have a stoma, the skin around the stoma may appear stretched and thin, and changes in the pattern of stool excretion may occur. Not necessarily I would experience all the symptoms listed. 

What are the effects of a hernia? 

In many waysA hernia doesn't cause any problems. However, you may experience the lump becoming biggerThis makes it more visible and therefore affects its appearance. This can limit your overall daily activities. Although it is rarely painful, a parastomal hernia can become an inconvenience, especially as it grows. dragging feeling making it uncomfortable. 
If the hernia gets bigger, you may also find that covers your stomapreventing her from seeing him and taking proper care of him. If this occurs, it is important to seek the advice of your ostomy care nurse, who will review pouch options with you. Another option is to consult your surgeon to discuss options for surgical repair of the hernia. 
Stool excretion patterns also can change because of the hernia. Stools can build up and come out in larger amounts than usual. Parastomal hernias can also change the shape and size of your stoma. This change can cause most frequent leaks or it may cause skin irritation around his stoma. Rarely, the hernia may cause the stoma to stop working which would cause abdominal bloating. See your ostomy nurse or surgeon immediately if you experience these symptoms. 

If I have a hernia, what can I do? 

The majority of the hernias can be controlled without surgical intervention, using support accessories. Based on your hernia, your ostomy care nurse can identify which level of support and which accessory (belt, tube or pants) is appropriate for you. 
Rarely, surgery may be required to repair the hernia. However, even after surgery, hernias can recur. That is why parastomal hernias are most often managed without surgery. 

Can my parastomal hernia grow any bigger? 

In many cases, the size of your hernia probably will increase over time, if no intervention is made. 

How common are parastomal hernias? 

Not all of them, but many people develop parastomal hernias after ostomy surgery. In most cases, the hernia develops within 2 weeks and up to 2 years after ostomy surgery and the risk remains over time.  
The risk increases with ageThe most common causes of death are: obesity, pregnancy, lung conditions such as chronic cough or COPD, strenuous work, smoking and strenuous physical activity. If you're a man, you also run a increased risk 

How can I prevent a parastomal hernia? 

A study has shown that the abdominal exercises combined with the use of a support accessory can prevent hernias from appearing [1]. Your ostomy care nurse may know which exercises are relevant to you in preventing a parastomal hernia. 
Combine your exercises with the use of support clothingIf you are a woman, avoid exertion and heavy work, maintain a healthy weight, as the  Being overweight  in most cases he exercises a additional strain about the abdominal muscles.  
[1] Study: Thompson and Trainor: 

Parastectomy hernia prevention: a comparison of results 3 years later, 2005 

Why use Corsinel® products for ostomy and hernia care? 

Living with an ostomy and a hernia can have a big impact on a person's daily life. A stoma and hernia can reduce mobilityThe most important thing is that it is a good indicator of a person's body image and sense of self-worth. To help you improve your quality of life, the support accessories Corsinel  are safe and reliable products for the fixation and support of your ostomy pouch and for the prevention and care of hernias. The range Corsinel  offers several products, specifically designed to help you with your ostomy needs. 
The support Corsinel products are developed in close cooperation with ostomy specialistsdoctors and nurses to ensure the improved performance and functionality with the higher quality at all times. 
In addition, support Corsinel products are designed with the body anatomy. It is crucial that products are perfectly matched to make a difference. 
The support Corsinel products are used  frequently  all day long and also in the evening. That's why they're designed with the comfort as a primary element for their use. They are specifically designed to help and address your daily life. 

Why use Corsinel® for hernia prevention? 

study ha demonstrated that the workout abdominal muscle combined With clothing from support for hernias increase on success in prevention herniated [1]. 
Also It's a conviction general among many professionals of the health that the use from products from support you can prevent the Training herniated [2]. 
[1] StudyThompson and Trainor: Prevention hernia parastomalcomparison from results 3 years then, 2005 
[2] ArticlePresident of the Association of Colostomy, Kingdom United Kingdom, y Surgeon Colorectal Consultant, Mr. Ian Daniels FRCS: Parastomal Hernia, 2015 

Can Corsinel® help prevent a larger hernia bulge if I already have a hernia? 

The use of unsupported clothing you can encourage to the hernia a grow. It has demonstrated that the support clothing for hernia of Corsinel exert a specific support on the hernia, providing optimal care and control. This support can also prevent a larger hernia bulge. 

Will using Corsinel® on my pouch affect the function of my stoma? 

Corsinel is designed from a stretch fabric at four directions specially developed so that it expands and contracts according to the sections of the body. This means that the fabric will always adapt to his stoma and his accessories. Your stoma will work. under the fabric, and you don't need a hole for your stoma or ostomy bag. 

How can Corsinel® support my hernia? 

Ostomy and hernia products Corsinel are made from a tissue resistant and  durable that can withstand a hernia in a way optimal. This has been ascertained by nurses and  professionals of ostomy care. If you have a hernia of great size then you may need a more specific, custom-made product. 


How can Corsinel® improve my appearance? 

A stoma and hernia can affect negatively self-esteem and body image due to a altered appearance. In the worst case, this can lead to isolation.Corsinel smoother and thinnercounteracting the effect of hernia. 


How can Corsinel® support my stoma bag? 

Corsinel is custom-designed to attach and support ostomy bags. The fabric used in the support Corsinel products is carefully choose for optimal support and comfort providing safety for daily activities. The combination of technical fabric and product Corsinel design results in a excellent support for the ostomy bag. 


How can Corsinel® provide me with security? 

Two of the main concerns among the ostomates is the risk of escape or  content noise. We are aware of this, and since your concern is ours, we have designed Corsinel not only hold up a bag to minimize the risk of leakage, but also to reduce noise of the contents at the same time. With the productsCorsinel, we have done our best to address these concerns so that you feel safe at all times. 

How can I be confident that Corsinel® fits my body proportions? 

Corsinel is made of a four-way stretch fabric. Due to the flexibility of the woven material, it Corsinel will expand and contract in all directions, just like skin, always ensuring an optimal and unique fit, regardless of body proportion. 


How tight should I use my support product? 

Your nurse practitioner offers you advice on how tight must be your product Corsinel to offer you the better support. The more critical is that you should always settle in using Corsinel. If you feel uncomfortableIt is important that remove the product and be communicate with a nurse or specialist. 


How can Corsinel® help my daily life? 

Living with an osotomy has a impact in day-to-day living of a person. Our mission is to reduce this impact as much as possible and make health care more humane. That's why we designed the rangeCorsinel. Regardless of the situation you face in everyday life, a product from the range Corsinel can help you: when you work, when you garden, do sport or other physical activity, when you shop, even when you sleep if you prefer. it Corsinel is a essential addition for your ostomy devices. 


Why are there 3 different support levels? 

Every person with an ostomy has different requirements. Some people need further support of your ostomy bag for the physical exerciseOthers focus more on a improved appearance. Some people develop a hernia next to or around the stoma, others do not.Corsinel wide choice of products, all with different levels of support according to the challenges you experience. 


How do I know which level of support to choose? 

In general, we recommend that you contact a nurse practitioner for advice on the support level. A general rule is that if you do not have a hernia, the products of light support  are generally useful for everyday life. If you are doing activities, where you feel you need an  additional layer of support, you would be recommended a product of medium support. 
If you have a hernia, the products of  maximum support will generally always be the first product recommended, as they will provide you with a higher level  of support. However, this depends on the size of your hernia and general circumstances. If you find uncomfortable the products of  maximum support, those of medium support might be more appropriate for your needs. 


How do I know which height of Corsinel® clothing to choose? 

Several factors influence the choice of height of your clothesCorsinel. It depends on the stoma location and abdominal girth. It also depends on the length of your torso and size of your hernia. For optimal support and comfort, always check that the support clothing covers entire herniated area. Always make sure that the height of your clothes Corsinel is comfortable. If in doubt, consult your ostomy care nurse for advice. 


Do I have to use my Corsinel® product at night? 

Most people with an ostomy do not useCorsinel high compression at night. The need for nightwear is individual to each person. It is possible to use a light or medium support during the night. 

How do I find the right size? 

In many cases, your nurse will will help to find the right size. To make it easier to adjust, each commodity Corsinel also has a size chart and an instruction that shows where to measure to find the correct size in the size chart, in case of doubt it is always recommended to choose the larger size for more comfort. 


Can I wash my Corsinel®? 

The products Corsinel are all washable to machine. This means you can wash your Corsinel with your clothes.Corsinel dry too. They are provided detailed directions about the care in the product and in the product packaging. It is recommended to have two units Corsinel: one to use and one to wash. 


How long should I use Corsinel®? 

It's a individual choice how long to use a product Corsinel. For some, it may be just for physical activity, for others it may be for day and night. If you don't know how long to use Corsinel, seek advice or recommendation from your specialist. 


Where can I get more help and advice? 

If you have questions that have not been answered in these frequently asked questionsWe recommend that you see to your specialist or your surgeon for more information.